Awesome class. I find myself looking at options to rework my class plan to take prof. wilson's other course in game design.
- fun if you enjoy thinking about game dev internals
- straightforward
- light workload
- good lecture content
AI4R, ML4T, AI make the cs portions of this class a cake walk.
I am a SWE with 15+ years experience. I worked in unity before for a personal project. Ive taking the following courses in order of subjective difficulty:
ML4T < HCI < AI4R < DVA < AI ~ CP
- The pdf slide notes are pretty sparse. I heard some ppl used TTS to extract voiceover, these would be better and more searchable for exams. I didnt find it necessary.
- slow voiceover, even at 2x
- Content was relevant and well structured. Topics were layered effectively.
Due to the low information density (From slow talking) and the effective lesson structuring, i found i absorbed the content reliably.
There are quite a few lectures. I would watch these while doing errands or working out, taking time to pause and rewatch when hearing something interesting. Topics were not exceedingly complex, and the explanations were thorough and slow paced.
There were 7 assignments for summer quarter. Syllabus indicates 6-8. All assignments are available on public github, but they are tweaked and officially published as the quarter progresses.
In general, a lot of scaffolding in these assignments is provided. Think more along the lines of AI4R vs AI/ML. like chedcode. If you can view the github repo you can see what i mean, but in general the assignments are "runnable" out of the box with obvious flaws and gaps that you can fill in piecemeal with the contents of lectures.
It is spoon feedy.
Personally it was a welcome change from "heres a set of papers, go replicate the results and deploy a working program and oh also write a paper" (comp photo, AI).
I enjoyed getting direct, actionable responses to my questions vs "go re-read these 4 papers and think about why you are not getting a good result". In other classes I have unresolved mental trauma from spending 20 hours writing and rewriting 3 way astar search because i misordered 2 lines in my heapq wrapper. i hardly consider that a learning experience.
One thing that i disliked was the lack of auto grader. In assignment 1 i was mixing one boundary condition check, and even though my algorithm (due to defensive coding) managed to find the proper path reliably, i was dinged 30% credit because the unit test failed. There is no repeatable gradescope type thing, so this was my grade for that first submission.
You get a regrade opp for 50% credit, and luckly for me for assignment 1 you get regrade for full credit. But because of this grading infrastructure, there is very little room for error.
On the flip side, the assignments are very clear, the documentation is very good, and if you fail these assignments after the regrade, you truly earned that F. the unit test outputs make it easy to reverse engineer the unit test criteria, and then they are useful for finding your bugs.
The latter assignments are really fun.
Its easy to get "good enough" ai to get full marks, but i put in 20+ extra hours on each assignment just for fun to see if i can make my dodgeball minions coordinate better, or make my car faster.
I found the assignments rewarding because there is immediate visual feedback for when your algorithm starts clicking and working. When my minions starting pegging the enemy reliably for dodgeball, or when my car would stay on course, it felt like you accomplished something, even if it was just incremental to the assignment at hand.
I crammed for these by watching all the videos over the week prior. Its open book. Open notes. 3 hour time limit. I finished both in ~40 minutes and got 88 on midterm and 82 on final. There is enough time that if you really wanted to, you could probably get a 100% by rewatching the videos while the exam is going. But my assignments were high enough that i was set for an A anyways.
The wording on the questions can be confusing, but it doesnt feel "malicious". The wording is confusing because a lot of the questions rely on setting up preconditions which are difficult to verbalize without "seeing" a game in action. They are not confusing because they are trying to be clever and trap you into the wrong answer. Regardless, i still had some wtf i knew that moments when reviewing my exam scores. but given how easy it is to ace the assignments i think it balances out overall.
There was talk of a curve if results were poor, but i dont believe summer was curved.