I could have passed this course with an A as a 9th grader. It's super easy. The fact that it's a Masters level business course, blows my mind. Business students truly have a wildly different college experience.
It would actually require more effort to cheat with ChatGPT, than to just do the work. Yet, the path-of-least-resistance MBAs in the course still did that. The teacher constantly made announcements about the AI cheating. This course is discussion based and you could see that MBA students had literally just pasted the output of GPT into the submission and replies.
This class is literally about 1-1.5 hours per week of work for a STEM student. Especially if you aren't a terrible writer. Typically, each week there's 20-40 minutes of lecture and a discussion post + only 1 reply. That's it.
The lectures playing at any speed besides 2x are way too slow. So it's really 10-20 minutes of lecture each week. Nothing in the lecture content is really groundbreaking or informative. If you've been an Internet user since you were a kid, most things are just common sense and intuitive. It feels like the course was made for older people who are comparatively new to the internet.
Some weeks, in place of normal course content, there's a 2 page paper in the course. The paper is Q&A format. This should also take you about an hour if you are a good writer. There are 5 weeks where this happens. None of the writing in the class has much formality and it's practically just explanatory writing. It's also largely opinion based commentary.
I'm in week 12 and I haven't received anything besides a 100 on every assignment besides the midterm. I took the test blind and got a high B. The two tests, midterm and final, are worth 30% of your grade a piece. They aren't particularly challenging, but there are some questions that require specific knowledge and can't be answered intuitively. I would just recommend quickly rewatching the lectures for each test before taking. This is what I will be doing before the final.
It's probably in the top 3 easiest courses I've ever taken across my entire education. You could take 3 classes if this is one of them. I heard about people speed running the course and can completely see how that's possible. There's so little work that I had to put a notification in my phone one day per week to remind me to get the work out of the way. Otherwise I'd forget about it.
Good luck! But if you're a STEM masters student, you don't need it.